If you are considering purchasing an electric vehicle, this article is exactly what you have been looking for. Electric cars are still fairly new to the market, but with each year that goes by their sales numbers grow. Why are people buying them? Is it the quality? Or perhaps the prices? Let’s break it all down so we can see the Pros and Cons and come to a final verdict.
Pros Of Electric Vehicles
With global warming becoming a real threat, people are thinking of all sorts of ways to stop it. Eco-friendly cars are one of those ways. Electric vehicles do not produce tailpipe pollutants that are a big contributor to global warming.
Smooth Driving Experience
Due to the fact that an electric vehicle does not have an internal combustion engine, they are way smoother and quieter to drive than gas-powered cars.
Low Maintenance Costs
Because electric vehicles have fewer moving parts than traditional gas-powered cars, there isn’t much inside them that could break. Besides
that, electric vehicles do not require regular maintenance, unlike their gas counterparts.
New electric vehicles are known to be pricey, but, slightly used vehicles are way cheaper. A used Nissan leaf for example that has been on the road for roughly 2-3 years tends to cost less than $10,000!
Cons Of Electric Vehicles
The Charging Factor
As you must be aware, you must charge your electric vehicle. To install a compatible charging station in your apartment building or house may cost you from up to $1,750. That’s not including other unexpected expenses. The wiring of your apartment building/home must also be taken into consideration since older wires would not be able to handle the voltage. Long distance drives may also be a problem because most electric vehicles can only travel roughly 125 miles on one full charge, and not many gas stations across the US have electric charging stations.
Battery Life
Electric cars have only been around since roughly 2011, and it’s hard to give proper judgment on how long their batteries last. If you are the second owner of the car, a lot depends on how the first owner of the vehicle charged it. Charging history is extremely important since it has major effects on the batteries life span. Replacing a battery on a Nissan leaf can cost upwards of $5,000.
Outdated Technology
Gas powered cars also have this problem, but it’s way more noticeable when owning an electric vehicle. With a gas car, everything depends on the gas consumption of your vehicle. With electric cars, it’s a totally different story. Each year companies are releasing newer models of their electric cars that can travel longer distances on just one charge. While those newer cars can travel longer distances, your two-year-old vehicle could potentially only have the capacity to travel half the distance the newer model can. That’s also not including the condition of your car battery which could diminish your traveling distance even more.
When buying an electric vehicle you should prepare yourself for a totally new driving experience and lifestyle. The biggest negative factor of electric cars is their battery life span and where to charge your vehicle when traveling long distances. Otherwise, these cars are more affordable, eco-friendly and have a smaller maintenance cost.
Here are a few electric vehicles that are open for bidding on our website!
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