Spring is the perfect time to enjoy and take advantage of some great deals. AutoBidMaster offers you some exciting spring savings on membership plans.

Whether you are a novice who wants to enter the world of rebuilding cars or an experienced rebuilder, we have some really great news for you. Our membership discounts offer you a chance to access a wide range of cars and trucks at extremely competitive prices.

With excellent weather right around the corner (or here already, depending on the weather), we’ve got some excellent news for you. Discounts on AutoBidMaster Advanced and Premium memberships.

FRESH21. That’s the AutoBidMaster coupon code you gotta punch in at checkout to get 40% off your Advanced or Premium membership.

So, if you use the AutoBidMaster coupon code FRESH2021 to get 40% off an Advanced or Premium membership for the best access to cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles. AutoBidMaster memberships include perks like:

Discounted transaction fees: One of the main reasons why you should use the AutoBidMaster coupon is the discounted transaction fees. With this coupon, you get more for less. If you want to enjoy discounted transactional fees, use the promo code and start bidding.
Recommended bids based on past auction data: The second perk why you should use the AutoBidMaster promo codes is our bid recommendations. We know what you are looking for and we help get the listings that you really need.
Free VIN checks: Something that everyone needs is a free VIN check. With the AutoBidMaster promotion code, you will not only be able to bid on cars, but also get free VIN checks for these vehicles.
Access to live auctions: What this promo also gives you is the chance to access live auctions.

So, if you are planning to spend more than $3,500 dollars or make more than a single purchase, AutoBidMaster memberships are basically paying for themselves in the long run.

Just grab your AutoBidMaster free membership promo code and start bidding. If you are not convinced yet, follow along because there will be a lot to cover on what AutoBidMaster can give you!

Don’t wait!

This deal won’t be around forever, so punch in FRESH21 at checkout to grab your discount while it lasts. If you have any questions in the meantime, give us a call at +1 (503) 298-4300, email support@autobidmaster.com, or text us on Viber/Whatsapp at +1 (503) 473 9895. We’re open 6:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, Pacific Standard Time.

Happy bidding!

Why Choose AutoBidMaster?

If you are still considering joining and asking why you should use AutoBidMaster, we can tell you that AutoBidMaster is a trusted online car auction platform, we have been in this business for many years. The main task of our business is connecting buyers with thousands of vehicles from Copart.

For those who don’t know, Copart is one of the largest auction houses. AutoBidMaster is one of the best brokers nationwide. With our service, you gain access to a vast inventory of cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more. All of this is at auction prices.

This platform gives you the chance to bid on any type of car, whether it is a salvage, a clean title, or a rebuilt title. We also give you a comprehensive vehicle report and a transparent bidding process. And most importantly, a dedicated customer support that will make your bidding experience seamless.

Membership Plans

AutoBidMaster offers you several different membership plans that are specifically tailored to meet the different needs buyers have:

  1. Basic Membership:
    • Most affordable plan.
    • Ideal for occasional buyers.
    • Access to live auctions.
    • $2,200 purchase limit.
    • Basic customer support.
  2. Advanced Membership:
    • Best for frequent buyers.
    • Access to all auctions, including no-license-required auctions.
    • Enhanced customer support.
    • Unlimited purchase limit.
    • Recommended Bid
    • 5 free VIN checks.
    • Lower transaction fees.
  3. Premium Membership:
    • Designed for dealers and high-volume buyers.
    • Priority access to all auctions.
    • Unlimited purchase limit.
    • Shipping discounts.
    • Premium customer support with a dedicated account manager.
    • 10 free VIN checks.
    • Lowest transaction fees.

Spring Savings

Spring is a good season to bid on your future project car. So, AutoBidMaster offers you significant discounts on the membership plans. This is what you can expect:

  • Discounted Membership Fees: With our spring discount we reduce the rates on all of our membership plans. Save more and upgrade from Basic to Advanced membership.
  • Recommended Bids: We also give you the chance to use the recommended bid option. Where we list the deals that are best tailored to your needs.
  • Discounted Transaction Fees: With the AutoBidMaster membership promo code, you will also have lower transaction fees which will make your projects a lot more profitable. With Basic you get 10%. While with Advanced you get 6%, and with Premium you get 3% in fees.
  • Free VIN Checks: We also offer you free VIN checks. You can get detailed reports for the vehicles you want to purchase free of charge.
  • Extended Benefits: Spring savings also include extended membership periods for the same price, giving you more time to access exclusive deals and auctions.

How to Get The Spring Savings

  1. Visit AutoBidMaster’s Website: Visit our website and navigate to the current offers section
  2. Select Your Plan: Choose a plan that best suits your needs.
  3. Apply the Discount: During the sign-up process, the promo code will be automatically applied. If not, use the AutoBidMaster membership discount code.
  4. Start Bidding: Once your membership is activated, you can start exploring and bidding on vehicles immediately.

Exploring the Benefits of AutoBidMaster Memberships

If you are still considering whether or not to be an AutoBidMaster member, the following chapters will be perfect for you, since we will cover all of the benefits of this membership and simplify these things for you.

Wide Selection of Vehicles

One of the main reasons why people choose the AutoBidMaster membership before competitors is the vast inventory of vehicles. We are a Copart partner and as we all know, Copart has vast salvage yards across the whole country. With thousands of vehicles in many different configurations. These vehicles include cars, trucks, motorcycles, and even boats.

There are a variety of offers including different types of titles. These include clean titles, salvage titles, junk titles, and rebuilt titles. This selection of vehicles makes AutoBidMaster the go-to platform for occasional and regular bidders.

Detailed Vehicle Information

Another perk that makes AutoBidMaster so good is the comprehensive vehicle information that helps you make better buying decisions. Each of the listings includes detailed descriptions, quality pictures, and good history reports.

All of the members have access to the accident history, title status, damage, and odometer readings. With this transparency in mind, AutoBidMaster helps its members make the right choice. Being aware of the true condition of the vehicle will reduce the risk of experiencing some unpleasant surprises after purchase.

Also, if you are not able to inspect the car before you bid, you are able to book an inspection at least 3 days before the auction starts. This is an excellent feature that helps a lot of buyers.

Exclusive Member Services

AutoBidMaster members enjoy a very wide range of exclusive services that are designed to improve their buying experience. For example, Advanced and Premium members have a priority when it comes to customer support. This support includes dedicated account managers who assist the customers with bidding strategies, vehicle selection, and post-purchase inquiries. In addition to this, members also benefit from lower fees that will add some serious savings over time.

Another very good service is the vehicle inspection that we offer. This is a service that you can order 3 days in advance. This service gives you a detailed report on the condition of the vehicle without you having to be on the lot in person. 

Tips for Successful Bidding on AutoBidMaster

Set a Budget and Stick to It

Before you start bidding on your next project car. The important thing is to set a budget. This is very important if you don’t want to overspend and be profitable.

In order to do so, you need to calculate the repair costs, as well as all of the fees included in this trade. Because at the end of the day, more money will stay in your pocket. This is why you need to do a lot of research before you jump on bidding.

Research Vehicle Values

Since we mentioned research, you need to do plenty of it before you bid. Specifically, you need to learn the market value of a vehicle. Let’s say that you want to bid on a car, in this case, you should look for good cars with a rebuilt title and how much they cost. This way, you can calculate the repairs on top of the auction price and see how profitable this deal is.

Inspect Vehicle Reports Thoroughly

Since you are an AutoBidMaster, you should take advantage of the detailed vehicle reports that are available. Review the listing and go through all of the data. Perform a VIN check using some of the tools and learn more about the vehicle’s past.

You can also inspect the car in person, or book the service that we offer. We offer a manual inspection of the vehicle and a full report. You should book one at least 3 days in advance. With this report, you will have a full estimate of the condition of the car.

Use AutoBidMaster’s Bidding Tools

What AutoBidMaster does is offer you several different tools that will help your bidding more effectively. 

This platform gives you the chance to set a maximum bid in order not to overbid and exceed your budget. 

What you can also do is use proxy bidding. This Is a feature that allows you to automatically increase your bid incrementality. Thus, keeping you competitive without non-stop monitoring the auction.


Being an AutoBidMaster member is easier than ever, with three different plans tailored for your specific needs. Bidding on a vast number of cars and trucks is only one click away.

On top of that, using AutoBidMaster promo codes will reduce the initial costs even more and also improve your profits in the long term. So, join us today and start bidding on your future project!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Are the Different Membership Levels Available on AutoBidMaster?

AutoBidMaster offers three different membership levels. These include Basic, Advanced, and Premium. Basic is perfect for occasional buyers with one constraint, which is the limit of $2,200. This is the max amount that you can bid on a car. While Advanced and Premium have fewer constraints and these are the ones that we recommend if you want to purchase a bigger project.

How Do I Upgrade My Membership to Take Advantage of Spring Savings?

In order for you to upgrade your membership, you should log into your account. Then, navigate to the membership section and select the plan you want to get. 

In order for you to use the spring savings you will need to enter the promo code. Once the AutoBidMaster promo code is applied, you will be able to use the benefits of the new membership plan.

What Benefits Do Advanced and Premium Members Receive?

Advanced and Premium members have many benefits. These benefits include access to all auction types, priority customer support, fewer transaction fees, as well as additional services. These include special account managers who help you strategize and improve your bidding skills.

Can I Access Vehicle History Reports with My Membership?

Yes, with AutoBidMaster, you can access detailed history reports such as AutoCheck and Carfax. The amount of free reports varies depending on the plan. Basic doesn’t get any reports, while Advanced gets 5 and Premium gets up to 10 reports on a monthly basis. These reports are crucial when it comes to making better decisions because you get a ton of data about the history of the vehicle. 

What Payment Methods Are Accepted for Membership Fees and Vehicle Purchases?

AutoBidMaster gives you the option to use various different payment methods.

Some of these methods include bank transfers for vehicle purchases, as well as using credit cards for buying or renewing your membership and other smaller transactions.

AutoBidMaster also offers financing for its users. So, if you are on a tight budget and want to finance, we have that option available!

AutoBidMaster Staff Writer

AutoBidMaster members purchase auction vehicles without dealer’s licenses. All-inclusive support & global shipping make AutoBidMaster your one-stop shop.

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