Different vehicle titles at a car auction may still puzzle our buyers. At the same time, it is easy to follow some legal aspects concerning automobiles when learning their title types. One more point to consider is the rules that every driver must follow depending on a vehicle title. For example, if we speak about salvage cars, you can’t drive on the roadway. And what about the restored title? AutoBidMaster offers a vast number of…
At AutoBidMaster, we want to empower you to find your dream car at our online auctions. Online auctions can be so exhilarating, it’s easy to get swept away in the experience. Before you start bidding, it’s important to arm yourself with information. Understanding the different types of vehicle titles is crucial to a successful auction experience. Knowing what each title signifies is especially important for international buyers, as some titles may restrict vehicle export from…
Hey motorheads, we’re keeping going on with our posts dedicated to specific auction notions, terms, and title types. AutoBidMaster offers you a whole lotta great deals on used and damaged cars, so you’ll always find something that meets your criteria of a perfect vehicle. While information about the lot on its page is usually condensed, we strive to explain as many facts as possible to prevent confusion among buyers. You might have wondered (if you’ve…
Auto auctions online, like AutoBidMaster, offer thousands of possibilities (literally) to get your dream car at a bargain. At AutoBidMaster, we want to eliminate any uncertainties that may occur before you commit to buying a salvage car. We agree that buying a salvage title car has almost always carried a stigma, especially during the age of classifieds. However, times have changed, right? Does the term salvage title make you want to steer clear? Thankfully, there’s…
Salvage title cars are breaking all of the headlines in recent times and for many good reasons. Buyers simply love these cars because they can be an affordable option, especially to those who want to invest some time in doing repairs. But one question that keeps popping up is, Can you insure a salvage title car? Many people are freaked off because of the salvage title designation and do not know the specific steps and…