Hello all,
This month we interviewed Chris, from Florida, who bid on and won a sweet-looking Porsche that just needed a little love to get back to its former glory. Read on:

“Hi, I won a 2002 Porsche Boxster S. It’s something I have wanted for a long time. I guess you could say twenty years. I got it for a fun project. I also got it for a weekend car. It’s pure fluff. That’s why I wanted to get one for a cheap price. Which I did.
I saw you all on Twitter. You were posting something on a hashtag I follow. It was pure luck, I guess. I liked the tweet and months later came back for it. When I went back to that tweet, I followed the links to your website and did a little research. I read a few of your blog articles and some reviews. I will admit, I was so excited I joined up real quick and was bidding only days later.
The Porsche had some small damages, a few things I knew I could fix and a few others I knew I would need a professional for. I was most worried about the shipping. I did not want my new prize to get more damaged or for the existing damage to get worse. I was surprised when it arrived looking just like the pics I saw on the website.

First thing I did when the Boxster arrived was check it out bumper to bumper. Then I gave the engine a turn. It started up and I just about hooted. Yeah, I was that excited. But I simply drove it into my garage and planned its repairs for the next couple weeks.
That was several months ago, my beautiful Boxster is all fixed up now and running like a champ. I even put new tires on it. Didn’t really need to, but I wanted it to feel like a brand new car. I drive it around town on all sorts of errands and show it off once a month at a local cars and coffee event. I love the sound of the engine and driving it makes me feel alive after a long and boring week of work.”

Chris is happy with his new dream car, and you could be too.
To make the first step toward getting the vehicle you always wanted, just register on our website, upload a copy of your government-issued ID or passport, provide us with a security deposit, and then you are free to bid! We also encourage you to contact us online if you have any questions, or call us at: +1 (503) 298-4300 (4:00 AM–4:00 PM PST, weekdays).
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