
AutoBidMaster Staff Writer


“You could Win Big with Auto Enthusiasts’ latest craze…” E-commerce has given new meaning to the way car lovers buy and sell salvage vehicles. Salvage cars are great investments for anyone who dismantles cars for parts or repairs project cars. Online auctions provide an inexpensive way for customers to find a used ride without being scammed or tricked by dealerships. Although junk yards provide cars and parts at cheap prices, customers never know where the…

Be sure the Investment you’re making is a Good One… The low price tag on damaged motorhomes for sale might catch your eye, but there are other factors to think about before making the right selection. After the required repairs, the motorhome may or may not fit your family’s needs. Here is some advice to ensure you choose the right vehicle for your travels. Size There are many aspects to a motorhome’s size travelers should…

Are Cell Phones Life Savers, or do they Take Lives? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that texting while driving is responsible for 1.6 million crashes every year, which is the cause of 25 percent of all driving accidents. On the opposite side of the spectrum, families report that without a cell phone, loved ones couldn’t have been contacted during emergencies. States across the U.S. provide their citizens with specific driving laws. According to…

Repair a Rover that will accommodate your family’s needs You are bound to see plenty of Land Rovers and Range Rovers on the road, but their similar styles may have left you wondering how they compete. Since its origination, the brand Land Rover has created a complete line of full-size luxury SUV vehicles. If you’re ready to repair a salvage Range Rover or Land Rover, it’s time to decide which model interests you the most.…

If you’re repairing a salvage Harley Davidson, study these tips before cruising down the road… If you’re an experienced rider who’s repairing a salvage Harley Davidson, you probably already know the basic safety precautions bikers should take while riding. For those just starting out, adjusting to riding a motorcycle can be a process. Regardless of your experience, always use these safety tips to reduce the risk of danger. Wear the right gear Not only is…

Learn about the Ford Ranger before deciding on the right truck… In 2013, Ford began using the tagline, “Go Further,” to pledge a commitment in delivering great products. After nearly three decades of production, the Ford Ranger’s line ended in December of 2011. Its reliability, utility and power kept the production line running for 29 years. As one of the most popular pickup trucks year after year, the Ranger truly laid a baseline for the…

A Lapse In Judgement Allowing your car insurance to lapse is a huge risk to you both financially and physically. Being uninsured for even a few days opens up a window where getting in an accident may incur massive out of pocket expenses that you have to pay. That can be tragic and the best way to avoid it is to make sure that your car insurance never lapses. Outside of getting in an accident,…

If you’ve recently purchased a car using financing, you’re probably looking at these types of insurance. In fact, if you bought your car from a dealer, there’s a good chance they talked to you about or sold you some GAP insurance to go along with your car. That’s because if you took out a loan or financing to buy your car, this type of insurance will cover you in the event of your car being…

There are a lot of different types of insurance out there and it can be confusing to navigate through them all. We hope that this guide will give you a deeper understanding of insurance and help you make an educated decision when it comes to your insurance. Different states in the United States have different laws regarding the minimum amount of insurance you’re required to have. Often times some combination Collision Insurance and Comprehensive are…

Thinking about switching your insurance provider but you aren’t quite sure how or when to do it? We’re here to help! Whether you’re switching because you don’t like your current policy or just because you want something a little better, these tips will help you make the transition smoothly. 1. Shop around We know this is an obvious one, but if you’re desperate to get out of your current policy you might forget and just…

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