Public listing websites such as Craigslist have forever changed the way we buy used products, cars included. Many people who are interested in salvage cars for sale rely on Craigslist rather than local auctions or newspaper ads to purchase a vehicle. However, even if shopping on Craigslist can save you money, it also exposes you to the risk of being scammed. Online car auction websites, on the other hand, give you access to a wide…

We all need a good workhorse, right? With so many options available, how can you possibly pick the best one? And when you do pick, is it affordable? With salvage auctions, you can find your top pick of salvage pickup trucks right from your home. We’re here to help you out with your decision: here are the top 3 salvage pickup trucks of 2020 you can find at online auto auctions like AutoBidMaster. 2020 Ford…

Toyota’s luxury division, Lexus, has a wide range of popular premium cars. If you are looking to buy a premium car, you may want to consider one of the beauties from the automaker. AutoBidMaster makes it easy for you to own a Lexus through a salvage auto auction in Texas and other places. To help you choose, we’re taking a look at some of the models that you can buy through our online auctions. 1.…

If you’re starting a restoration project through classic car auctions, you may not know the exact direction you’re headed in. Factory restoration? Hot-rod? Something entirely different? We’re not here to tell you what to do, but we can provide some old school car auction inspiration. Check out these five gorgeous cars you can find through classic car auctions like AutoBidMaster. 1973 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 The Camaro has been an icon in the American muscle car…

Times are tough right now, and social distancing is still in full effect. So what do you do when you want to have fun with your friends in a safe way? Adventure motorcycles.That’s right, adventure motorcycles. Also known as sport touring motorcycles, are the perfect mix of comfort and off-roading capability. Want to go camping but on a motorcycle? Perfect. Want to take long trips that might involve sand and gravel? Excellent. Want to ride…

Be it a heavy-duty pickup truck or a sleek sedan, live salvage car auctions are an ideal avenue to buy your dream vehicle without breaking the bank. Salvage auctions allow you to bid on cars online and take your pick from a plethora of options, going for a fraction of the price of a new one. AutoBidMaster, a trusted name for salvage and repossessed vehicles, holds live auctions where users can directly bid cars online,…

Often, we focus on providing you informative content. Sometimes, we just want to show you some cool stuff and that’s the plan for today. If you’re looking for rare and classic car auctions, you’ve come to the right place: here are three of the most interesting rare and classic cars at auction this week on AutoBidMaster. 1971 Saab Sonett Here we have a 1971 Saab Sonett III. Manufactured from 1955 to 157 and again from…

Traditional car shopping has been under duress for some time now, and even more so with the onset of quarantine during COVID-19. When buying a car online during quarantine, there are some measures you can take to make sure you’re getting the best deal at the best price, safely. Buying a car online has minimal contact The best thing about online auto auctions like AutoBidMaster is that you can do everything from the comfort of…

Salvage car auctions present an easy way for people to own their dream vehicle without spending a fortune. Whether you are looking for a powerful off-road vehicle or need a reliable city car for your everyday commute, you can find them all at auto auction sites like Having said that, you must also be aware of all that you will have to do to get the salvage title rebuilt. To clarify, in this blog…

Look, sometimes you want to be able to go anywhere you want in the off-chance you decide you don’t want to go to work while you’re driving in. We get it. In the more likely scenario that you do end up going to work, though, you don’t want poor fuel economy. So if you’re looking for a good compromise, an all-wheel-drive sedan may be your best bet to give you the options you crave. If…

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